4 Quotes & Sayings By Sarah Monzon

Sarah Monzon has worked in print, television, and radio markets in the U.S. and abroad. She has published articles in magazines such as "Cosmopolitan," "Woman's Day," "Entertainment Weekly," "Life," and "American Baby." Her work has appeared on the front page of newspapers like "The Miami Herald" and "The Philadelphia Inquirer." She has provided voiceovers for radio spots, commercials, TV shows, motion pictures, commercials, and documentaries.

God is big enough to handle anything you throw at him .. . the one thing you have to remember though, son. When you throw something, it's no longer in your hands. Sarah Monzon
You take the opportunities given to you. If we always waited for perfection, we'd miss out on so much. Don't you think? Sarah Monzon
Don't be afraid to live the life you've been given. Some of us don't t have the chance .. .. don't waste yours. Sarah Monzon